Our good friend David Bunting came over to take some pictures of my sweet children. Wow what a statement, "my children". I am so blessed to have the two that I have and I love them both so much. Well these are some of the beautiful pictures that he got of them. I wanted pictures of Elena in her blessing dress before she was too big, and I thought it would be a sweet thing for her to be blessed in the blessing dress that both me and my sister Sara were blessed in. Arent these pictures beautiful. We are going to have him take family pictures when Elena gets a little bigger.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pictures of my two babies
by Mrs. Schmalison at 5:46 PM Thoughts from friends (7)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fair Time again
I had been debating on whether or not we should go to the fair this year. When Patrick was born, he was only a week old when the fair started and with him being my first I was very paranoid that he would get sick from the animals or the crazy people there. So this year I wasnt as worried about Elena getting sick. My biggest concern was how am I going to walk around the fair when I cant even walk around my apartment without hurting and getting tired. So the idea was formed that we should rent a wheelchair when we got to the fair, so thats what we did.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 2:26 PM Thoughts from friends (5)
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Randall baby
I just thought I would update everyone on Cory and Stephanie and their new baby. She will probably be taking care of this today but in case she doesnt, Jocelyn Delgado posted the basics, Born at 11:16 pm Wednesday night weighing in at 9 pounds 12 ounces 21 inches. And she does officially have a name but I will let Stephanie tell everyone on her blog. They got home last night and they are doing fine. I never got to see her eyes because she was sleeping but hopefully she will be over the brand new baby thing and sleeping all the time and she will open her eyes.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 8:55 AM Thoughts from friends (4)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
4 Men and a Snake
As Jesus was coming out our back door to help us out of the car, this is what he encountered. Yes thats a rattlesnake. So he went back inside and called me and told me to stay in the car while he called animal control. He then came out the front door and got us out of the car.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 1:00 PM Thoughts from friends (5)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
How we're doin
I just want to thank every one for your prayers and thoughts. It made me feel so loved to know that so many people were concerned for us. I am feeling much better this week and I am able to get around and get my butt off the couch. Elena and I were finally on the same feeding schedule and I found out that I had a small infection and had to be put on antibiotics for 3 days and I was told to discard my breast milk. So for the past 3 days and nights I have been feeding Elena formula and then pumping to keep my milk up. It has been really difficult not to breast feed her when I can tell she would rather have that than a bottle. Plus it means I am up longer with each feeding so Im pretty tired. So physically I am doing better and emotionally I am doing better as well. I have been busy checking things off in the positive column that make feel better about not being able to have any more kids. We have actually come up with a lot of positives, number one being alive to raise my two children. My mom has been awesome helping me while Jesus is at work since I cant lift Patrick for 4 more weeks. I honestly have the best mom in the world. I also had my wonderful friends, Katy and Lindsey, come over to help me and have some girl time with me. I love you guys, honestly. I cant wait to do the same for you when your babies are born. I plan on having pictures taken this week so I will soon have some to post, maybe even family pictures (wink wink Dave). Stephanie will hopefully be having her baby this week so maybe even cousin pictures. Too bad Lucia and Elena arent together so we could get pictures of those cute cousins together:(
by Mrs. Schmalison at 8:13 PM Thoughts from friends (6)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Papa Randy says it best
by Mrs. Schmalison at 5:49 PM Thoughts from friends (5)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The birthday boy
Well last night we had a small birthday party for Patrick, Grandma and Grandpa came over after dinner, the Randalls would have been here but Caleb and Stephanie arent feeling well and didnt want to get the baby sick so we didnt get to celebrate with them, I know Patrick would have loved to have Caleb play with his new toys with him. Well we kind of over did it with presents but we were kinda making up for the fact that he isnt the only child anymore and he hasnt been getting as much attention. I feel pretty bad because I cant just pick him up and love him right now so it has been difficult on both of us. Plus he had to get a shot today at the doctor and he has a cold so multiply everything by 10. He had a great time ripping his presents open and playing with all his new toys.Jesus made him a yummy cake and we sang happy birthday and he blew out the candles.
Even Grandpa had a great time helping Patrick play with his toys, and Elena just kinda hung out.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 9:19 AM Thoughts from friends (0)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Finally home
Sorry for the wait but we have needed some time to adjust to having two kids around here and I am discovering that it will not happen quickly. Elena was released from the hospital yesterday and I was so excited to go over and see her and be able to dress her in a cute dress and bow. It was wonderful feeling bringing her through the door and showing her to Patrick. I only have car seat pictures so far. Last night was a little rough because our schedules are not quite in sync yet so she was hungry and I had nothing to give her. Luckily I remembered the breast milk I have been pumping and saving in the fridge. By 4 am I got her tummy full and she slept until 7:00 am. We took her to the doctor along with Patrick for his 2 year check up today and everything is looking good. Her doctor said I was lucky to be here and to have the children I have and I know she is right.
Also, today is Patricks second birthday!! I cant believe he is two! It seems like yesterday that we were bringing him home from the hospital. I love him so much and I am so thankful to have such a smart active little boy. He certainly keeps us on our toes but he keeps us laughing at the same time. He is quite a talker, anyone who has met him must know. He loves to try out new things and his loves are motorcycles, driving, learning his letters, playing outside with Caleb and hopefully his new love is his baby sister. P.S. we are up for visitors if anyone wants to come by. I dont really look that great but you are welcome.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 1:24 PM Thoughts from friends (9)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Not Today
I received a call from Elena's doctor this morning telling me that she is looking really good and that she is eating well and the plan is to wean her off of her IV so that she can eat on her own. So she wont be coming home today unfortunately but he is almost sure tomorrow is the day. I called the doctor today worried about the way I was feeling and the doctor that performed my surgery heard I had called and asked me to come in to make sure everything was alright. I was told everything is looking fine and that he expects me to be a little worried after all that has happened. I was given a few more blood tests which I have found out are all in the normal range. After leaving the doctor we made our way over to the NICU to see Elena and we made it just in time for lunch time. I was able to breast feed her for the first time which was wonderful because I was so worried that it had been so long that she might want a bottle instead. She latched on really well and ate really well. It was a wonderful moment. Jesús has been absolutely amazing taking care of me and things around the house. I hate that he had to be so worried for me and I love him so much.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 6:07 PM Thoughts from friends (8)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Hello all
I just wanted to update everyone on what is going on with us. I received 3 blood transfusions last night to bring up my blood count and iron count which brings my total transfusions to 9. My blood level was checked at 4:00 am and at 8:00 I was told that I was at 8 point something when it is normal to be at 12 or 13. So she re ordered a blood check at 10:00 and at 12 I found out it had gone up to 9 point something on its own so I my body was finally starting to catch up on its own. I was released at 2:45. Elena is still in the NICU but they are saying that she will be able to come home tomorrow. They just want to make sure she is eating enough before she leaves. I plan on going over this evening and tomorrow so that I can try and feed her. I cant tell you how you how difficult it was to drive away knowing she was still there. We are doing better and I will eventually feel like myself again and not so weak and light headed which will be good since I will need to take care of a new baby after today. Thank you all for your prayers and calls, I have the best friends in the world and I am glad that I am still here to take care of my family.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 4:37 PM Thoughts from friends (11)
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Amazing Story...
Alison wanted me to post something to update you all on our events.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 11:55 AM Thoughts from friends (13)