Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If you've had a birthday

Yes, birthday time rolled around again. It was a pretty good birthday, nothing big which is ok because I've decided I dont want to get any older. Acknowledging it makes it more true. I am excited that I get a new washer and dryer for my birthday. Well mostly for the house but we are buying them the same month as a my birthday. It works. Besides we have never owned a large appliance before, very exciting. Mom left some balloons on my car that I found as I went to take Patrick to preschool. Balloons are fun, 28 is not as fun, mostly weird.


Carla said...

When is your last day in Monica ward? And, can I help you move stuff or unpack or watch your kids or whatever?? Please!?

Carla said...

PS- happy belated birthday again...

KillmerFam said...

Sounds like you had a great day! I think I got a washer & dryer for my birthday, too, a couple years ago! Welcome to mother/homeowner-hood! We make sure we give the cool stuff, but we get the practical stuff! Oh well, so is life! Glad you had a wonderful birthday and that the house is coming together nicely! I'm with Carla, PLEASE let me know if you need help! I've got some things going on, but I'll do my best to help you out! I'd even offer up for Ron to watch your kiddos if I have to work :o)

Tam said...

I love the picture. I hope you had a happy birthday! Oh and I felt the same way at 28!!!

Sam and Janiece said...

Uh yeah...tell me about it. I just turned 28 as well on the 11th! Happy Late Birthday!

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Our last Sunday is next Sunday, I think it's the 29th. I'm actually singing in Sacrament meeting :\ I do need babysitters so we can finish painting, we are so worried it wont get done before we move in. I feel bad for my Mom because we are constantly asking her.

Johnsons Away said...

Happy Birthday; again :)
I'm headed out of town so I can't help, let me know if I can help unpack though ;)

Amanda said...

You are so adorable. I love you... And yes, being 28 blows.

Connie de said...

Yes - stop calling me. I hate babysitting my grandkids!!