P.S. Elena's hair is long enough on top to put little clips in. Very fun. For me.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Guess who's sitting up and doing the army crawl
P.S. Elena's hair is long enough on top to put little clips in. Very fun. For me.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 9:38 AM Thoughts from friends (2)
Look what we found!
by Mrs. Schmalison at 9:34 AM Thoughts from friends (4)
So far so good
by Mrs. Schmalison at 9:11 AM Thoughts from friends (2)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Our Priority
We need need need to sell our truck. In creating our budget, I discovered we just cant afford to let it sit all busted up in our parking lot. We are fixing it this week and selling it. Hopefully. Other than the windows we are fixing, its in really good condition. We are selling it for $9500.00 OBO. If you are not in need of a good truck then please tell your friends. The picture of course is what it looked like before the vandalism but after we fix it, it will look like this again. So please spread the news.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 11:55 AM Thoughts from friends (1)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy Easter
We had a wonderful Easter. We were all finally feeling well enough to attend church, and the kids have been on antibiotics for a week so the doctor told me they werent contagious. I was worried about Patrick giving Elena whatever he had but she said Elena was fine.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 11:51 AM Thoughts from friends (3)
Bunch of Sickos
by Mrs. Schmalison at 11:14 AM Thoughts from friends (2)
Monday, April 6, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Drama Drama Drama
Yesterday, I was trying to get Patrick to come lay down so I could change his diaper and instead of obeying, he ran. I tried to catch his arm but missed, and he looked back to laugh and tripped and went right into the corner of my Moms base board. I thought he had just bonked his head but he turned his head and I could see the gash on his cheek. I panicked and picked him up and ran to the kitchen to get a rag and try to control the bleeding. I called Mom and she left everything she had in her cart at the store and ran for the exit. I called Bonnie Phillips next door and she ran right over. I am so thankful to her. I panicked when I shouldnt have. We have never had a bad accident yet so it was new to me. We couldnt tell how deep it was but Bonnie said it didnt look to deep. We cleaned it and put a butterfly bandage on it with a band-aid over that.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 4:48 PM Thoughts from friends (6)
Uncle Disco
Jesús' brother Cisco came to town for a much deserved vacation and we wanted him to come spend the evening with us. He is staying with Roseamber, Jesús' sister, and Jesús had gone over to spend time with them but I wanted to see him. So we made tacos and Chile Rellenos and played a little Rockband. Patrick loved having him here and called him Uncle Disco (when he wasnt calling him Uncle Bastian or Uncle Gabe. He has a lot of uncles to remember). It was a lot of fun. Hopefully we can see him again before he leaves town.
by Mrs. Schmalison at 4:39 PM Thoughts from friends (2)