We were very sad when we went outside the morning after we got home from Utah to find our duck Louie missing from the back yard and a hole under the fence. We're not sure if the dogs behind us ate him or what. We figured we were done with pets (besides our hamsters which are mysteriously still alive even though we don't give them much attention anymore.) Trish Neville told us that her sister had found a cat and her kittens and they were looking for good homes to go to. Jesús and I don't have a good track record with cats. We've had two since we were engaged and both of them didn't work out. I figured of all people, we should not get a cat. Well we decided that the kids would love a cat and it would be fun so we said yes. That afternoon Trish and her sister Melissa and her two kids delivered the kitten along with all the things a kitten would need.

She made herself at home rather quickly. She sleeps on my pillow above my head and occasionally under the sheets by my feet. She is constantly tortured by the kids especially Elena but we keep saving her. I hope she survives Elena.

She is of course a kitten and rather playful and so we all have lots of scratches and scabs from her sharp kitten claws but we only have to endure that till November when she gets declawed.
I LOVE Cheddar!
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